Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yeah! Spring-like conditions!

Today was niiiice... very warm, almost into the 50's. Dry roads, clear skies... perfect day for a bit bit of skating. I rode up Jimtown a little ways (there's a nice slight incline so I can get some speed up going down the hill) and came back a few times... fun fun. I'm getting better at pushing at high speeds, but I need to work on my balance a little more and carving...

stay tuned, we're not done yet.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Summer come faster

Once again, I find myself wishing it was summer- no homework, warm temperatures... ideal longboarding conditions. However, Spring is coming soon enough; that at least means warmer temperatures, if not dry. Which, unfortunately, is another issue. Skateboard bearings and wet weather are not good buddies. So... still waiting on summer so I can really start up again.

Keep hangin' on, we'll get there someday.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Argh... Snow.

Well.... It looks like winter finally caught up with me. There is snow all over the roads... It's looking like I'll have to postpone my practicing until a warmer spell hits. I will try to keep this up to date as much as possible.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm back...

whew... Haven't posted in a while. Well, not much to report on the home front for this week. Got some more practice in, went even faster, and had a good time doing it. I finally got the helmet i ordered, but there's a problem- It's a size too large. Wearing it makes me send out bobbleheadish vibes... So, hoping to get a better one soon. Otherwise, not much to report... stay tuned.

Another time, folks.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Alright! Got some good higher-speed practice in today, whilst looking for a friend's dog (which incidentally I never found)... I have a nicely inclined hill near my house that works just fine for pushing up to speed. The helmet I ordered came today- it's rather disappointing. Maybe a bit on the large side... More later.

viva la longboard!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Bit at a Time

Ok, this update is going to look a lot like the last one. Sunday practice again... I'm a LOT more comfortable with going fast, pushing is improving, and I'm loving carving. Other than that, not much to report.

Peace out.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Movin' along...

Got some good practice in on Sunday, riding up and down the street. I'm now comfortable with pushing (but still need to work on my form- putting a little too much weight on my pushing foot), going above 5 MPH, and footbraking. Also managed a U-ey in the road but it took a heck of a lot of balance... Right.
